Faith for the Believer Series


In this eight-segment video series, I will be discussing what faith is and how to use and build your faith. I pray this series leaves no doubt in your mind and removes all the fear and unbelief from your heart and mind. Knowing to trust God in all things!

Faith is a spiritual force and the God kind of faith that resides in us is NOW! We serve a NOW God, not a later God. He is the Creator of the universe and when we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, the faith of Almighty God came to live within us.

No Limits on Faith

The Bible makes it clear: Faith can overcome anything in this world order. There is no limit to what faith can do. Why then aren’t more Christians enjoying the limitless blessings that faith can produce in their lives? Primarily because we’ve limited ourselves to this natural realm. We’ve spent most of our time looking at what we can see with our physical eyes, and believing what our natural senses tell us.

As believers, we grow our faith! We start with the seed of the Word. We plant it, cultivate it, and guard it against the pests and elements that try to destroy it. If we’ll do those things our faith will grow greater all the time. In other words, if you have just a little bit of faith, use it like a seed. Plant it in a situation with the words of your mouth. Keep believing and faith will grow and work until it becomes great enough to get the job done.

Faith Comes from Hearing

Romans 10:17 tells us that faith is activated by hearing the Word. “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” God’s faith is in His Word. We can only believe that we receive from God if we base our faith on what He has already said He would do.

When you go to the Word yourself and determine exactly what God will do for you, you are feeding your spirit with spirit food. Just as your body must have food to produce the energy it needs to function at its peak performance, the same thing is true with your spirit man. You must feed on the Word.

Whatever you constantly give your attention to forms your desire. As you give your attention to the Word, you will desire spiritual things. As your desire changes, your will also changes, and your actions will follow. In short, your mind, will and emotions will come into harmony with your spirit.

We converted the notes for the “Faith for the Believer” series into a free downloadable booklet located on our Publications site. Use the booklet to follow along with the videos located on our YouTube Channel.

HTML NotesVideo SegmentPublished DateRecording Date
The Measure of FaithThe Measure of FaithOriginal Publishing Date: July 12, 2023Original Recording Date: July 9, 2023
What is Uncommon FaithWhat is Uncommon FaithOriginal Publishing Date: July 19, 2023Original Recording Date: July 9, 2023
The Aggressive Nature of FaithThe Aggressive Nature of FaithOriginal Publishing Date: July 25, 2023Original Recording Date: July 24, 2023
Seven Steps to Grow Your FaithSeven Steps to Grow Your FaithOriginal Publishing Date: August 2, 2023Original Recording Date: July 24, 2023
Tips and Steps to Keep and Share Your FaithTips and Steps to Keep and Share Your FaithOriginal Publishing Date: August 9, 2023Original Recording Date: August 7, 2023
Staying in the Faith LaneStaying in the Faith LaneOriginal Publishing Date: August 16, 2023Original Recording Date: August 12, 2023
Companions of FaithCompanions of FaithOriginal Publishing Date: August 23, 2023Original Recording Date: August 20, 2023
Living a Life of Resilient FaithLiving the Life of Resilient FaithOriginal Publishing Date: August 30, 2023Original Recording Date: August 20, 2023

If you are reading this and never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, what are you waiting for? Click on FREE GIFT and make Jesus the Lord of your life TODAY! Remember, read your Bible daily, it’s good food! Like and follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and watch this and other My Thoughts videos.

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