Let Us Do More in 2024!
We here at Van De Bogart Ministries hope everyone had a joyous Christmas season and let us go into the new year with a new mind that is transformed (Romans 12:2), a new heart, and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26-17). To have a new mind, heart, and spirit, we need to do more praying, forgiving, loving, kindness towards one another, faithfulness, and self-control. If we can fulfill these items in our lives, we will do more in 2024. You will see changes in all aspects of your life as never before. Allow God to work through you and trust Him for everything!
Be the ONE who goes after the ONE!
This is our new “catchphrase” for the ministry. I was reading a devotion one day and they were discussing Luke 15:4-7, The Parable of the Lost Sheep. After reading the passage I started to meditate on verse seven, “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents that over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” The ones who thought they needed no repentance when Jesus spoke this parable were the Pharisees and Scribes. They walked around as if they were close to God, but were far from Him. You would never see them go after a lost person and help bring them to Jesus. We see today, Christians doing the same thing the Pharisees did. So, I am challenging everyone to “Be the ONE who goes after the ONE!” Leave the self-righteous behind and go win souls for Jesus and disciple them!
New Ministry Items!
Our next project for My Thoughts is to produce two weekly shows and create our series into booklets. We are projecting to make this happen in early 2024.
The Bible Study series should be completed by Spring 2024. We are gathering and formatting some excellent information and hopefully, you will receive a huge blessing from what we have completed.
Your Calling
Your calling is fundamental not just to others, but to God. He paid a huge price for you by sacrificing His begotten Son, Jesus. He died on the cross not just for the forgiveness of sins, but for reconciliation, redemption, healing, prosperity, love, joy, peace, and others. Do you know what your calling is? If not, you need to start praying about it so you will receive an answer from God. There is a special ministry for everyone!
Believe and Receive
All you need to do is to BELIEVE and RECEIVE! I cannot stress this enough. God has put it on our hearts to start BELIEVING IN HIM and not others. To RECEIVE His blessings and healing. God is the only one you should trust as many Scriptures state. I have put out many messages in our My Thoughts segments stressing to BELIEVE and RECEIVE! That is how Jesus healed many people. They believed and received because of their faith. BELIEVE IT! RECEIVE IT! IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! You will see great miracles and changes for the better in 2023!
Prayer Request, Praise Reports, and Contact Us!
There are three things we love to hear from everyone:
- Praise reports from everyone on how God is working or changing your life.
- How you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
- How you have been healed and prospering in your spiritual life.
We would love to pray for you on any issue you or someone close to you is having. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” – Matthew 18:20. Therefore, we would like to collect your prayer requests, and my wife and I will pray over them. The power of prayer is more powerful than you think.
We also love to hear about your testimony and how you put your faith into action. What about how God helped you, a family member, or a friend? We would also like to know about how your church conducts discipleship and maybe we can help.
There are two ways to contact us. You and email us at truthinjesus77@gmail.com or if you prefer to write us a letter, our mailing address is:
Van De Bogart Ministries
PO BOX 571
Bunnlevel, NC 28323
We apologize as our link to giving is having some issues and we are actively resolving them at this time. As we resolve them, we will also put them through a testing phase, so these issues do not arise again. We will keep everyone posted on our Facebook page.
Don’t forget to roam around our website, follow us on Facebook as we post daily Scripture to start your day and announcements on what is happening at Van De Bogart Ministries, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Each Wednesday we post a new My Thoughts video where we teach the Word of God.