Churches of Revelation Series


Welcome to our seven-week segment on the Churches of Revelation. The main question I will ask in this series is, “Have you ever considered what our churches would look like through the eyes of Jesus?”

I think for most of us it is not something that would ordinarily be on our minds, but it makes sense. The fact is the church is the creation of Christ and we would want to know how things look from His perspective. The good news is we can do exactly that by reading what Jesus had to say to seven churches in the Book of Revelation. These seven churches, founded by the apostle Paul and his missionary team, served as representatives of all churches that would follow after them.

What Did Jesus Say to Them?

Now, the word “angel” means messenger. It could be speaking of a literal angel, or it could be referring to anyone. The main point is Jesus has something to say to these churches. Some of what He says is a commendation, but some of it is a rebuke. As followers of Christ, we want to hear both what we are doing right, and what we need to do differently to improve our relationship with God.

Over the next seven weeks, we will look at these churches to see what Jesus had to say and learn how they apply to our churches today. As Jesus addressed each church, He does so by giving instruction to the Apostle John to write a letter to each church. John, at this time, was exiled to the island of Patmos, which is about 60 miles off the coast of modern-day Turkey but belongs to the country of Greece.

All Scriptures used in our Bible study of the Churches of Revelation are from the New King James Version (NKJV) and the English Standard Version (ESV) as noted.

HTML NotesVideo SegmentDownload Notes - PDFPublished DateRecording Date
The Church of the Unbridled OrthodoxyThe Church of the Unbridled OrthodoxyThe Church of the Unbridled OrthodoxyOriginal Publishing Date: May 17, 2023Original Recording Date: May 13, 2023
The Church of the Refreshing FaithThe Church of the Refreshing FaithThe Church of the Refreshing FaithOriginal Publishing Date: May 24, 2023Original Recording Date: May 13, 2023
The Church of Total ToleranceThe Church of Total ToleranceThe Church of Constant CompromiseOriginal Publishing Date: May 31, 2023Original Recording Date: May 28, 2023
The Church of Constant CompromiseThe Church of Constant CompromiseThe Church of Constant CompromiseOriginal Publishing Date: June 7, 2023Original Recording Date: May 28, 2023
The Church of the Living DeadThe Church of the Living DeadThe Church of the Living DeadOriginal Publishing Date: June 14, 2023Original Recording Date: May 28, 2023
The Church of Patient PerseveranceThe Church of Patient PerseveranceThe Church of Patient PerseveranceOriginal Publishing Date: June 21, 2023Original Recording Date: May 28, 2023
The Church of the Foolish FolksThe Church of the Foolish FolksThe Church of the Foolish FolksOriginal Publishing Date: June 28, 2023Original Recording Date: June 26, 2023

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