Introduction Welcome to our segment of My Thoughts and the last of our six-week Grace series. I want to encourage you to listen to the good...
Continue reading...March 2023
Grace Produces Good Fruit
Introduction Welcome to another segment of My Thoughts as we are in the fifth segment of our six-week Grace series. In this week’s segment, Grace Produces...
Continue reading...Pure Grace
Introduction This segment of My Thoughts is the fourth of our six-part Grace series. This week’s segment is on Pure Grace. Open up your Bibles to...
Continue reading...Supply and Demand of the Law and Grace
Introduction Welcome to My Thoughts and the third segment in our six-week Grace series. This segment deals with the supply and demand of the Mosaic Law...
Continue reading...Grace and Truth Work Together
Introduction Welcome to My Thoughts and the second of our six-week Grace series. This week, we will learn how grace and truth can work together. God...
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